Are seat rows forward of an emergency exit required to be locked upright and fixed, or is there a distance requirement forward of the overwing exit that permits those seats to recline?

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I am on a 50 passenger seat aircraft that has two jumpseats. Only one Flight Attendant is required. If a  jumpseat rider occupies the empty jumpseat, does that constitute a fifty‐first seat, triggering the requirement to add a second Flight Attendant? 

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Do flight attendants ever get injured by turbulence? Some crewmembers seem to think they’re immune to injury.

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Is there a minimum height requirement to work as a flight attendant? Are there any factors that can affect the minimum height requirement that some airlines list on job postings?

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Are airlines required to provide language of destination flight attendants, and must airlines perform the safety demonstration in English and the local language?

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If a passenger brings their bag on board the plane but there isn’t enough room in an overhead bin, is there anything flight attendants should do before taking the bag from the passenger and having it put in the belly of the plane?

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