Cabin Safety information from around the world, right here
We’re all one large extended family
All of what we do is the same around the world with the same purpose. We just wear a different uniform and have a different airplane logo.
Our goal is to design and share the safest operating procedures to help establish a high baseline of safety for all airlines.
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Cabin secure during taxi
Manual, Operations, RegulationsDuring taxi, what are the regulation(s) that apply to opening an overhead bin or a galley storage container to put something away?
When a crewmember is performing a safety-related duty, exceptions to the regulation/policy are permissible.…
Passenger safety briefing
OperationsThe passenger safety briefing is provided for passengers to watch and listen as it contains important safety information. So, why don't passengers pay attention anymore?
Passenger safety briefings are performed prior to each takeoff to provide…
Cups in the cabin for landing
Manual, Operations, RegulationsDuring landing, are passengers allowed to keep plastic cups served to them?
There is a regulation that specifically addresses this situation –
121.577 Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during airplane movement on…
Passenger with a pillow from home
Manual, OperationsCan a passenger bring a full-size pillow on board and does it need to be stowed for take-off and landing? Would the answer be different if the same passenger with a pillow was seated in an exit seat? What about large stuffed toy pillows that…
Window shades open for takeoff and landing
Best practices, Manual, OperationsAre window shades required by regulation to be open for takeoff and landing?
Regarding window shades, there isn’t a regulation that requires them to be open for takeoff and landing. This has been an industry best practice for a long time,…