Slides are not always slide rafts
A slide is not the same thing as a slide raft, correct?
Donald Wecklein is a cabin safety expert with over 33 years in inflight operations. He has worked as an Air Transportation Supervisor, Aircraft Ground Instructor, and has a private pilot certificate and an Aircraft Dispatcher certificate as well. He has also presented as a cabin safety expert at an ICAO Cabin Safety conference in Bangkok in 2016, an event exclusively for Asian airlines, as well as at the IATA Cabin Operations Safety Conference in Bangkok in 2018.
A slide is not the same thing as a slide raft, correct?
Are flight attendants required to be trained on emergency equipment located in the flight deck?
Can a passenger sit in a flight attendant jumpseat for takeoff and landing instead of their assigned seat in the cabin?
Are seat rows forward of an emergency exit required to be locked upright and fixed, or is there a distance requirement forward of the overwing exit that permits those seats to recline?
How can I determine the maximum number of infants we can allow on our plane?
I am on a 50 passenger seat aircraft that has two jumpseats. Only one Flight Attendant is required. If a jumpseat rider occupies the empty jumpseat, does that constitute a fifty‐first seat, triggering the requirement to add a second Flight Attendant?
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Ask a flight attendant for help if you drop your phone